Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finding a good corp-Eve Online

 So you just joined the game of Eve Online and your trying to find a good corp/corporation to join that can help you on your what to becoming a great pilot or maybe just to make isk(in game money) and you are not sure on how r what to look for in a corp. This can be a very tedious task to deal with in the game as there are so many corps to choose from. All being different in what they personally want to achieve and the types of players they are looking to join. 
   I have had my own experience in trying to feel out different corps and their members to find that some just don't want anything to do with their members but use them to their advantage or just want to fill up their roster so they can say they have their rosters full, and if you are the type of player like me and want to get your full experience out of the game being that you are paying for the game.
     So some key questions to ask when you are feeling out a corp and talking to the corp leader when you are chatting to them in a recruit channel would be first off what is the primary profession of the corp, meaning what does the corp do to make isk. whether it be mining,pvp,pirating,exploration or others. Next would to be to ask what kind of players are they looking for as in are they looking for new players with really no skills, or veteran players that have high skill points. Do they have good support for players or how often are the players online and where they are located in the world. another thing to ask would be if they are in a war, and if so how they got into the war, whether it be that they got war decked for something stupid or if they are a corp that likes to fight such as mercenary corps. and the final key question would be where are they located whether its is in high sec,lo sec or in null sec.
     Now there are always going to be other questions that can be asked that may help you in finding a good home/corp and I'm not claiming I know all there is to finding a good corp, but currently I have been in about 10 corps and have found one I really like at the moment. Its all about feeling the corp members out and talking to them before joining, becasue if you join and leave to many corps you may be considered an awoxer and no corp will want you.

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